That anxiety has been present in different potency for as long as I can remember. Until recently.
Do you guys remember those advertisements for pills that would make your boobs grow?!! You know, like your natural potential that was just laying dormant and these little pills would wake up those sleeping hormones and spring you right up to a beautiful B cup... and all natural of course! My high school-ish days I remember these ads playing again and again on the radio. And I used to dream about buying those. And then with age and culture, boob jobs were a revolving topic of conversation. For years, I said I wasn't a boob job girl even though I was still embarrassed about being so dang flat {tmi: my last trip to Victorias Secret defined my flatness. How many a's are in embarrassed? Just a hint....} Then last year about this time, I told one of my girls in the small-boob-club that I was thinking about considering a boob job. And that I felt I owed her a heads up after our many conversations.
But recently... I don't know what's happened since last year, but I'm finally kind of ok with my body. I wear a nice Victoria's Secret bra that's got me looking all kinds of curvy when I'm dressed, I get a little help from Lululemon's padded sports bra when I work out, I bought swimsuits that are more flattering for my body type, and thankfully I'm not self-conscious in the bedroom. For me, I think what it comes down to, is I've always wanted to not want a boob job. I'm guessing that's a big component in how I arrived at the way I feel today. {And FYI, I've given myself the luxury of being able to change my mind at anytime, FYI...!}
But enough about me. I was talking to one of my other girls in the small-boob-club {because there's a lot of us} and she hasn't come to a place where she feels good about her lack of boobage. But she also hasn't come to a place where she's at complete peace with getting a boob job. Despite having just recently found my own peace, I don't have enough perspective to give good advice on how to find that peace- one way or the other.
So what do you think about boob jobs?
Is there a way to come to terms with feeling this lack of femininity without getting a boob job?
Is there a way to come to terms with getting a boob job and not feel all vain?
If you have one, what is the good that's come out of it? Do you have regrets? If so, what are they?
What will you tell your daughter when she's in this predicament?

So, I am not a member of the small-boob-club, but I had to laugh as I turned your sentiments to hair color. Yes I know that's goofy, but I think I am blonde - dark blonde, yes - but my husband says I have turned into a brunette. Easy fix should be to dye it, but I am reluctant for some of the same reasons you discussed. I've always wanted to not want to dye my hair. Obviously there are differences between a cheap color job and a forever boob job (money, major surgery, etc). I will tell you though, that bigger breasts get in the way of running - just FYI.
ReplyDeleteThis is quite the hot topic here in Utah (where I last heard we actually beat California in number of boob jobs) and I have quite a few friends that also have had them. It is also hard for me to express my opinion when I have never dealt with the small-boob issue. However, I will say that it seems to be a slippery slope. Many of my friends have not only done the "job" but after that felt they needed to do more so continued with fake lashes, tatooed eye liner, hair extensions, tummy tucks, etc...and then its kind of like, so where is the real person now? I also feel like I'd be conforming to what other people think I'm supposed to look like. I like being individual and "fake" free...but that's just me and maybe I've gotten to that place where I am happy with my body. We could discuss this for hours I think.
ReplyDeleteAfter having my breast lump removed when I was 18 I felt like damaged goods. What little boobies I had they gutted...( they gutted only one so I became indented ) My boob job gave me the confidence to feel like a women especially once I was married. For me they have been a positive thing in my life. I have never felt vain about my decision :)
ReplyDeleteSo, I am a part of the small boobies club. I think I have always been okay with this. Recently they have started to grow due to my BC, and I am SAD! What? I never thought I would feel this way. I think you should own the small boobies. You know how I feel about the whole issue and I think you made the right decision. It's attractive and you own. I think staying the same way as we were designed to be is special. Thats just how I feel :)
ReplyDeleteI don't belong to the small boobies club but I do belong to the I've nursed 5 children and my boobs are no longer where a person's boobs were meant to be club or the INFCAMBANLWAPBWMTBC for short. I've thought about getting a little lift and fill done and I'd take a tummy tuck while I'm at it. I don't know. It's an idea I'll revisit after I'm done nursing baby #6. Of course I want my daughters to be happy with them selves just how they are, so I don't know the right answer. I think if you like yourself but just want bigger boobs then go for it, but if you want bigger boobs so that you'll like yourself obviously it's not going to work that way. Those are my thought at the moment.
ReplyDeleteI have never had a problem in the small boobie club. Exact opposite. Double sports bra in highschool for me. I was super self conscious about it. Then I thinned out and grew to accept and love the girls. Then life happened had 3 amazing kids, and now realize the girls are not what they use to be. So what does a girl do? Accept cruel reality, that comes along with having those kids? losing and gaining 100's yes really 100's of lbs. that has left me, Um... not so perky, and a belly full bread dough streaked with pearly lines that no matter how many planks, inverted planks or miles I run it will not go away. I have gone and had consults with Mr. Plastic surgeon . I just don't know if I can make that commitment. It's alot of money, pain and time. And I earned this.... along with every freaking wrinkle . There is a story here to tell. But then my mind wanders and my vanity starts to win. Who knows what the outcome will be.
ReplyDeleteGay, we sure did make fun of those boobies back in the days. And I feel horrible about it. What did we call them? Nubbies? And I remember you used to push them together real hard...and had some extra skin to make it look like you had a crack between them. Those were the days......ah!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI love you to death. You make me laugh. I'm glad you're at a point where you can smile and accept yourself. I think all women need that. I know you'll make the right decision. And what do you say to someone else? Not a darn thing. Share your experience, and share your hopes that one day they'll find their peace within themselves. I think everyone has to come to terms with it individually. I mean, that is like a testimony. You can borrow someone elses for a bit...but eventually, you have to have your own experiences and own feelings about to be able to swim & avoid sinking.
Keep your chin up. Keep going. We all have perfections. We all are unhappy with something in our lives. Once you fix THIS, then something else will pop up and you'll wanna fix THAT. It's a vicious cycle, really. Luv ya.
Wow this had me laughing. A) don't act like u feel bad for the abuse we all put me through and B)nubbies?! Really? I like it. Gonna start using that reference again!
DeleteI remember standing in ur living room and u telling me and ur mom u were getting those pills! Still causes a chuckle. I think ur perfect and would take ur body boobless and all in a heartbeat. Which makes me wonder....are u ever really happy w ur body. I always think if I were 20 lbs thinner but then I wonder if I were thinner would I want to be more muscular? Less wrinkly? Boob lift? Where does it stop? -T-
ReplyDeletehahahahaha, those bras are working for ya! i had no idea you were flat. so basically, you don't really need a boob job unless the only person who sees you naked wants you to get one AND you're ok with having surgery. but if he doesn't care about it and you feel great about your bod. then, who else would care? NO ONE! surgery would just be a waste of time. personally, my advice to my daughter would just be to wait until you have kids. unless she were concave, then i'd say, get a small c cup at an appropriate age. but then again, i don't care what people think regarding what i do right vs wrong. plus, who really knows if it's right or wrong. certainly not me!!!
ReplyDeletethis is a tough one! you and i think very similarly on this topic. i find it hard to justify if i feel plenty confident in clothes and in the bedroom. but you need to tell me what swimsuits you like. that's the one i haven't figured out yet. and i agree with whoever said it's a cycle of doing the boobs, then wanting the tummy tuck, etc. and what to tell my daughters?? i have no idea. if i ever get to the point of actually doing it, i better have that figured out. but i suspect that day is a long way off (if ever coming at all).
ReplyDeleteRachel I''ll have to give u the links to a cpl swimsuits I recently bought that I really like!
DeleteI am right there with you in the small boob club, but I totally loved my boobs in high school and before kids. I was an A, but I always thought they had a nice shape to them.It wasn't until baby #3 that I have become more self conscious about my chest. I'm a pruned AA now, but I think my self consciousness just comes from aging in general. Lots of things on my body are looking a little worn so sometimes I think it would be an "easy fix".
ReplyDeleteI say it's great if people want a boob job. I can understand. I think I hesitate for lots of reasons, but ultimately I'm more okay with my boobs than wanting to spend the money on it and take the risk with surgery (I'm talking post op problems).
I have a good friend that just had one (she was an AA) and she loves it. She said the first week was awful, awful and she totally regretted it just because she was in so much pain.Once she felt good she was okay. She went to Ut to get it cause it's cheaper (she also said her old ward there had about 50% of the women with boob jobs--crazy).
I think just so long as you do it for yourself--not because the world tells us big boobs are attractive, or because we want to look as good as (or better) than so and so we know. If it is going to make you feel more confident and feel better about yourself then go for it.
I am a C when I nurse and I've found it hilarious that with all 3 my mom has exclaimed, "oh, you look so cute with boobs!" She has never, ever, said a word about my chest except on those 3 occasions. The girls in my fam are endowed--I guess they got some of what I was supposed to get???
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ReplyDeleteThanks for everyone's comments! Of course, I spent all day yesterday thinking about how I reached my decision, so this subject ain't closed....expect a follow-up next week!
ReplyDeletedang it gay... i was hoping to scroll down to a picture of your boobs in that VS bra! ;)
ReplyDeletei remember the 7th grade anxiety, but in the form of how quickly and seamlessly I could change from my shirt to gym shirt in the locker room. and i have had the same anxiety my whole life. which was doubled after having three kids. obviously, you know my thoughts on this, but i will still put in my 2 cents. if someone were overweight and unhappy/self conscience about their appearance and wanted to lose some weight, would we support them in shedding some pounds to feel better about themselves? of course. it's funny how boob jobs have become taboo. if i could do an exercise just to get back to my pre baby small chesty self you bet i would be doing it 10 times a day. p.s. hasn't anyone told you to buy up a bra size to look bigger? steer clear of those AA's!
ReplyDeleteLoved this post! I must say I throw around the idea of getting my lady bits fixed post having children all the time. All I want is for my deflated balloons to be filled again, is that too much to ask? I just want them to be restored to their old self. But then again every time I look at them & my tummy in the mirror (after gasping in horror) I am reminded that every sag, every stretch, every mark is a symbol of the fact that I was given the gift of bearing a child & you know what, It kind of empowers me & makes me feel strengthened. Grateful to be a mom, a wife & grateful that I have been able to live life! I kind of like my little balloons & in a weird way feel more confident about my body than ever before.
ReplyDeleteOn the flip side, I think it's wonderful & have had a few friends that have gotten very tasteful boob jobs & it has been the boost of confidence & just what they needed. And I am so happy for them! I will always be open to getting one... but, Bottom line, I think our confidence & love for ourself needs to come from deep inside, not from a physical appearance.
People talk all the time about the difficulties for guys if the woman is taller than you....but what if you have a larger cup size than the woman, what then?