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Tid Bits
From time to time, my mom sends us little snippets of her journal entries from years ago and I absolutely love hearing small, seemingly insignificant moments of mine and my siblings past! So in an effort to pay it forward...
*Porter is a supporter of me and I love it. Sometimes when I get frustrated with the kids not eating what I cook, I get all huffy and puffy and am all, "I'm not cooking anymore." And Porter gets all serious and says, "Mom, please don't stop cooking. I'll eat your food. Don't stop cooking." I'll always cook for you, Porter.
He knows I'm in a Photography class and he asks from time to time how my homework is going and telling me I need to practice. (Pretty sure he's heard me say I'm a bit frustrated...) This weekend I was needing some models and he gladly paused his front yard baseball derby to model for me and his bro and friend followed suit. It;s funny how these little things are really the big things.
Him and I got home late Friday night. Yosh was out of town and the bog boys wanted to sleep with me. I told Ports I was probably going to wake up and go to the gym in the morning. He was all, "Come on, Mom, don't go to the gym. You need more sleep than that. And we need to cuddle." Make no mistake, he is a cuddle bug. When I let him sleep with me, he wants to sleep right in my armpit with my arm around him...all. night. long. Next level cuddling right there. Kirt and Kady style.
*B man is a good kid. We just told the kids a couple nights ago that we were going to Hawaii...well, everyone except B. And like the champ he is, he accepted it. Obviously it's with good reason he's not going (he's on the All-Stars team and the tournament starts right when we're leaving) but still... He was the one to tell Porter and the kids the news and it was a cute little night.
B is such a hard worker. He took note of Porter putting in time on the basketball court (and the accolades that followed...) and he has starting working on hitting on his own more. He's so fun to watch on the ball field with his innate understanding of the game and what to do in fast plays. His hustle and competitiveness comes out on the field overtime. The other day while playing 3rd, he literally dove and tagged someone out heading for home and then still had his head on straight enough to get up and throw it to 2nd for the double play. (Full disclosure: I could be butchering the play, or combing two plays as details aren't my strength, but all these things happened- a diving out and a double play- just maybe not in that order and/or together!)
The way B plays with Deetz and Kai is so endearing to me. I keep waiting for him to get too old or above being the best biog brother but it's yet to happen.
*Deeter Bug Hansen. This weekend he was texting with Yosh (while Yosh was out of town) and I literally had to double check to see who was who- he held such a sophisticated conversation. Im glad him and Yosh have each other, they can analyze details and statistics together and never get bored of it. Yosh is right when he calls Deeter an encyclopedia- he's pulling facts and tid bits out that no 7 year old should know. But the Deetz does.
His summer morning routine includes a solo trip to the Daily's trampoline to get his dunks in and get sweaty enough to warrant a break.
He loves his big bro's and is thrilled when he is invited in on their shenanigans. B asked him if he wanted to sleep in their room last night after the NBA finals (the boys apparently had a lot of post-game analysis to get through...) and his response, "You bet!"
*Kaia has been praying in echo mode. This girl. Just no words. Homegirl is still sleeping and I need to rouse her because she has been on the countdown for gymnastics camp for many days and the day is finally here! She does countdowns for a lot of things- Deeter's bday, gymnastics camp, and now Hawaii. I love her.
Her little feminine-unique details make me love having my little girl. The kids were setting the table for Father's Day dinner last night and she had to go make everyone's name tags for where they were to sit.
And let's talk about her ritual of laying out clothes. She has had up to TEN-- yes you read that right-- ten outfits laid out at a time. This weekend she upped the ante by also writing a hairstyle label for each day.
She loves swimming! She kept asking to go swimming in her clothes yesterday (somewhere she heard someone does??) and was thrilled when I told her she could go in just her panties. Dreams coming true.
And can I make a quick note of how much this little lady chats? Every now and then a break (for me...) is necessary!

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